Thursday 19 March 2009

Painting Schedule: Rising Conflict

I will scribe a schedule here and not deviate from it until the Creator says otherwise. This shall be the order of what I'm going to paint:

Gorman di Wulfe
Steelhead Heavy Cavalry (2) - 2 days each
Rupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Steelhead Halberdiers (2)
Nomad Heavy Warjack - 2 days
Anastasia di Bray
Mule Heavy Warjack - 2 days
Ogrun Bokur - possibly 2 days... he is a big lad after all.
Lord Rockbottom

I shall endeavour to do at least one miniature a day and the Scrutators will wrack me for my slothful ways if I fail to do so. That means I should be done in about 16 days, plenty of time to do touch ups and interesting things to my warcasters and character models before the 500 point Rising Conflict tournament.

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