Saturday 19 September 2009

Fell Howl o' Pirateness

Since it be that most important day for pirates I best be speakin' like a true buccaneer. Those who break the Code o' Speak like a Pirate Day be keelhauled at dawn!

I be loving this here miniaturescalliwag. Greygore Boomhowler be me favourite scurvy dog by Privateer Press. Me use o' mixing mediums be hampering me sailing the seas to completing me bullion encrusted miniature. Metallic paints be benefiting from a dose o' the gloss medium, it be like grog. This here dog be nearing completion, even the cabin boy be able to finish him off with a quick lick o' paint.

Avast me maties, I be plundering the shores o' Pathfinder for me role-playing dubloons. The Pathfinder book be a rare and precious treasure, and it not be a meagre size to boot! I bin following that fellow buccaneer Nick Logue and his meanderings over the seven seas o' the 'internets' and spied Sinister Adventures. Such worthy acts do inspire lowly sea dogs like meself to try for greater things and I be hoisting up me DM's flag aboard the RPG ship. Thar will be grog aplenty on me ship, what more could a true pirate ask for?

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