Monday 16 February 2009


Yes, Privateer Press have announced that they will be releasing Warmachine MkII in 2010, with Hordes MkII the following year. It looks like there are going to be major changes to make warjacks better. I'd spew more information but it's probably best if I just provide a link to the MkII FAQ:

Warmachine MkII FAQ

There are a whole raft of issues I'd like to see addressed with the new addition. Mostly the feats or spells that the Prime warcasters have (I may have mentioned how gay I think Sorscha's feat is). I am Very Pleased with the changes to warjacks, just thinking about Nomads in MkII gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Hopefully all my Steelheads keep that lovely Forfend and maybe the Mercenary Warcasters will get better spell lists. Only time will tell. Fingers crossed.

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