Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Om Nom Nom

Do you hear that? Listen carefully. Do you know what it is? It is the sound Snacking.
Finally a win with eDoomshaper, also the first game where I’ve been able to get his feat off - in the first turn too, I ate a Feral Warpwolf and then lost my Mauler, but it was totally worth it! I was not aware that Kaya had a ludicrously long assassination run (somewhere in the region of ~24”); but luckily for me her weapon is feeble and Jim did not get the critical knockdown after 4 boosted attacks, eDoomshaper still had 2 damage boxes and 2 fury left after Jim's assassination run. Then my Earthborn Dire Troll with Wild Aggression ate her.
Having used a Fell Caller now instead of a Hero, I noticed a massive different in utility. The Fell Caller can just do so much more stuff. Definitely makes it on to my To Buy list. This does highlight the issues with the Hero though, he does seem a massive waste of points except with pMadrak - he’s prime Crusher material then.
Overall the game was quite enjoyable, I certainly didn't expect to survive through Jim's assassination, especially with Doomshaper - I was also expecting Jim to play a game of attrition using Spirit Door to just wear me down; however, the opportunity to kill eDoomshaper came up and Jim went for it. I totally need to remember about Goad though, it may have saved my Mauler from a horrible, horrible (though comedic) death. Lessons to remember before Jim Strikes Back in our next game.

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