Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Blades of Fenn

The plastic has cometh. I've just unpacked my box of Fennblades and they're pretty nice actually. The usual removing of flash needs to be done, but it's not world ending. Lots of the swords are bent but I've discovered this can be fixed with a hair dryer (no I'm not kidding). It's a bit unclear who the unit leader is, but I think I figured that out through a process of elimination - there's only one guy who isn't duplicated, ergo, he must be the leader. I'll have to make an epic base for him so my opponent knows who he is.

The parts all fit together with in-built pegs on the arms/kilt bits that slot into the torso. The Fennblades are slightly larger than normal trollkin, they tower over pMadrak and eDoomshaper. I've also discovered an amazing fact about the Fennblades. They aren't covered in all the crap that usually covers Privateer Press miniatures. They aren't carrying every single possible item or piece of equipment a trollkin might need. They have swords, quitari, armor, a couple of belt pouches, and a tiny beer keg (what is a trollkin without his beer?).

I think I'll even do a Sunshine Kriel tutorial using these guys, they're just that awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Instead of a hair dryer i used boiling water on my warspears.

    Put part in boiling water for a couple of seconds, it will then be very rubbery letting you put it in the correct position.

    let it cool or dunk it in some cold water for instant results.

    just incase you want to try an alternative mate
