Now that I have had a rather lengthy time off the plumbing I've been lurking on this here 'intarwebs' and managed to get myself dragged into the horrible mire of other faction's "feedback" posts on the Field Test Forums. Oh {divinity of choice} why?! I know telling people Lern2Play (oh the days of WoW come back to me now) isn't really valid and actually quite stolid but it's something some people need to have tattooed onto their foreheads.
Having dragged myself free of the quagmire (and throwing Sean in instead) here is a list of all the feedback I am actually qualified to give concerning Hordes:
Hoarluk Doomshaper, Rage of Dhunia: Excellent warlock. Wild Aggression is an amazing spell and the rest of his spell list is pretty solid. Feat needs tweaking to do things that aren't a trample, slam, or charge. Hyper-Regeneration allows eDoomy to be fairly careless with fury management.
Dire Troll Mauler: Excellent warbeast. So far it has performed admirably against other Hordes factions. It does seem very slightly expensive for what it does but that seems to be a trait with most heavy warbeasts.
Earthborn Dire Troll: Hide it in some rough terrain and it's an ungodly lurking terror. While I would like Elemental Communion to be less reliant on terrain on the table, the Earthborn is worth the extra point over the Mauler just for Pathfinder.
Troll Axer: Strangely I haven't actually had my Axer make it into combat very often. It's very solid for its point cost and the amount of utility I get from it is amazing. No changes suggested for the Axer, it may just be the perfect light warbeast.
Troll Bouncer: It exists for Bump and Shield Guard, neither of which I am able to fully utilize at the moment. I'm going to need more experience with the Bouncer before I can say I'd change anything.
Trollkin Champions: I am in awe of the Champions, though I've never used heavy infantry before. The only feedback I have for them is that the grunts in the unit need a resculpt badly. I honestly have no idea if they're too powerful or not, I've never had a problem with killing them in MKi and they don't seem any harder to kill in MKii. I'll consult my opponents about this.
Troll Whelps: These things are so unbelievably awesome. They're *totally* worth their point cost, even before the change to their Fury management. No changes suggested.
Pyre Troll: The Pyre Troll seems to require the use of an Impaler to get the most out of his ranged attack. Combo-strike would be an excellent improvement.
Trollkin Champion Hero: I'm afraid he just doesn't bring anything amazing to the table, at least not in my list. Maybe if my army had models that weren't fearless then he would be worth taking. He needs some sort of ability to bump up his armour as he's actually easier to kill than a normal Champion at the moment.
Fell Caller: Amazing utility. No changes suggested.
I just don't have any feedback concerning other factions. All the models used against me seem to do their jobs or get eaten by dire trolls. I haven't encountered a model that I think is totally broken. An ARM 23 Gladiator was intimidating but it wasn't something I wasn't equipped to deal with. I didn't even find Jim's pKaya list that threatening; he certainly could have gotten the kill there but it did serve to highlight that Kaya herself hits like soggy toilet paper.
For those who were curious (all one of you) my eDoomshaper list is the following:
35 Points
Hoarluk Doomshaper, Rage of Dhunia
*Earthborn Dire Troll
*Dire Troll Mauler
*Troll Axer
*Troll Impaler/Pyre Troll/Troll Bouncer - use whichever is most appropriate
Trollkin Champions (min)
Fell Caller
Trollkin Whelps
This weekend I'm due to play a Cygnar player so I'll be able to give some feedback on how my list fares against a Warmachine faction.
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