Friday, 11 December 2009

Hordes MKii Field Test Update 2

Hordes Update 11/12/09

Wow. Just wow. Despite me thinking that we'd never see Full Throttle for Hordes, there it is. On Kromac. It's called Havoc in Hordes and I'm not entirely sure if people realise what a fury multiplier it actually is. Wild Aggression doubles the effective fury a warbeast has. Havoc multiplies that also by the number of warbeasts you have. Not that this matters to me since I play Trollbloods and you don't need boosted hits to hit my models anyway; but still... It's gross.

Many warbeasts now have increased damage boxes, and more than a few have had their threshold stat improved. Holy monkey Jesus on a bike, Paralysis got nerfed! Avert ye eyes if you don't want to witness the Happy Dance.


Oh and Geomancy is back to what it used to be. I'm not entirely sure what to make of that.

Ahh, design flaws that still creep in: Mulg cannot use Overtake if he is killing living models since he has Snacking. Overtake triggers on destroyed, Snacking triggers on boxed. Someone said his animus had improved. It's the same animus effectively, only worded different. However, a faster Mulg (at base speed that is) is a better Mulg!

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