I went to Jim Lawrence's house today to have a quick 500 point game against him - he used a Terminus list and I used Ashlynn. It wasn't a huge challenge for Jim to beat me; Terminus was sitting at ARM 32 at one point and there wasn't a lot I could do to damage him. Definitely a warcaster to bring Eiryss along for.
Jim also brought Bile Thralls, which I tried to mitigate slightly by spreading my Halberdiers out in a long formation. Having the first turn meant he got them across the board in pretty short order and still managed to Purge a few over the Halberdiers he needed. It was only during my last turn when my brain clicked on that hitting the Bile Thralls with Distraction (-2 MAT+DEF, cannot make ranged attacks) means they cannot Purge or spray. It was far too late by then, but it's a valuable tactic to remember with Ashlynn since it's one of the few things that can automatically hose her.
I'm also not sure why, but Jim seems to almost constantly win the first turn against me, even with Anastasia in my list, something no one else seems to manage. I can count the number of times I haven't won the starting roll on one hand. I probably could stand to lose a few fingers from that hand too. I might have to practice a few games where I voluntarily give the opponent the first turn so that I can build a better formula of what to do.
Anyway, we're scheduled for a rematch on Tuesday, we're going to bump things up to 750 points so that we have some practice before the Masters. In the words of Kobra Kai: Strike Hard, Strike Fast, No Mercy, Bring eVlad. (or eSorscha)
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