Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Idrians... Bleh

I played at Adam's place tonight against... Adam! Suppress your shock and surprise here. I'm sure I'll write a more extensive battle report later, but the battle can be summarized by this: I took Durgen Madhammer to try him out, Adam's Idrians killed everything.
I don't like Idrians, they eat up significant amounts of time during my turn as I move a model and wait to find out if they intercept at all. It does make me wonder what happens with them during Hardcore... So much so that I've actually asked. Not really the replies I was expecting since I just wanted to know how this stuff works in Hardcore, but now I know.
Durgen I don't much like either. I can see how he works, or at least how he's supposed to work but there's just something lacking (an arc node and a basic shot). He's a good match up against the Old Witch however - as long as you're already in melee when she uses Field of Talons you can just have your troops explode. Other than that, not as fun as Ashlynn or pMagnus. I may even go back to painting my cavalry now.
Overall game was quite enjoyable, though lack of pathfinder became something of an issue since there was a big river crossing the middle of the board. I'll definitely have to come up with other options than my Steelheads if I want to deal with that sort of thing - the Nyss Hunters would probably be a good idea. Of course I could just run my own Idrians with Magnus...


  1. Sorry about the idrians eating into your turn mate. I posted on the pp forums and I will say again, I reckon it's how little I get to play that sometimes slows me down. The amount of games you say you play, I would say in the last 3 months you have played more games than I have in 2 years!!

    Back to the actual game, the idrians were insane.
    they killed the cav, stannis, piper, thor, lord rockbottom, durgen, most of the steelheads and at least 1 kayazy!!!! Which more than made up for the meh that were the bastions. I will proxy more with some other casters but colour me unimpressed.

  2. Don't worry about it Adam, I still really enjoyed the game, despite getting humped. It's because the Idrians interrupt the flow of my turn rather than the waiting time that irks me slightly.
    Also, thanks for lending me FMP, it's unexpectedly funny. And has giant stompy robots.
