Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Kobra Kai

My first 750 game did not go well. Jim took an eSorscha Winterguard zerg and sprayed/CRA'd me to death. Writing a battle report would be a rather moot point for this game, it was over fairly quickly but was long enough to give me some feedback on playing eMagnus. eMagnus died to the Drakhun during eSorscha's feat turn, despite being too beautiful to die the Flying Steel couldn't be denied. Since we both need more practice we'll be playing another game on Saturday (if all goes to plan) - it should be my modified eMagnus list vs eVlad.

First of all, eMagnus is very focus intensive, he's doing things with just about all his focus every turn: casting Lethargy (a tricky, tricky spell), Mobilize, Bullet Dodger, Misdirection etc. This means he's a 'sit at the back' type warcaster, only his feat doesn't let him sit at the back, you need him up front to catch the enemy forces in Kill Box. On any given turn I should be spending 2 focus to cast Lethargy on a new target, then another to upkeep Misdirection (if it's active) and giving at least 1 to my warjacks - that leaves me on ARM 19, 1 below my preferred norm. Alternatively I could spend it all to use Mobilize to make the warjacks (and Magnus) faster, but I find sitting on no focus is an invitation for assassination. I'm definitely going to need a few more games to figure out how he works.

Given that my list is so heavily weighted for the melee side of things I've taken Jim's advice (see comments on previous article below) and swapped around some things in my list. While I would *love* to use a Mangler it's a massive focus hog without Frenzy, so I've opted to downgrade my Mariner to a Nomad and got myself some Kayazy Assassins and Kell Bailoch in exchange for one of the units of Steelheads. It was also tempting to use pMagnus, but I'll give eMagnus a few more tries first. If Kell doesn't work out, then I'm sure I can swap him out for Gorman and fun times will be had by all.

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