I've finished Durgan Madhammer's base and discovered how to make really good looking rock platforms using cork. The secret is to use *very* thin layers of paint and washes to build up the base colours over the rough surface so that the surface doesn't smooth out. Unfortunately now I want to go back and redo my less interesting bases.
While I was at it I thought I'd do some touch ups on my other miniatures - namely both versions Magnus and Ashlynn. Magnus the Traitor required a new drybrush along the bottom of his cloak since the old dirt was still shiny, I also corrected a really horrible highlighting error I'd made ages ago on him (not that anyone but me would notice really). Magnus the Warlord had some blending corrected and got himself some dirt along the bottom of his cloak. Ashlynn had some work done on her base since there's just something... lacking on it. I may just redo her base entirely. I'll be sure to update the pictures in my gallery when everything's up to standards.
Not only am I giving myself more work with redoing old bases I can't stop doing work on Durgen. Every time I put him down I then realise I could do a quick bit here and there so I get everything back out and do that. Finishing the Steelhead Heavy Cavalry looks less and less likely, at least until Durgen's finished anyway.
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