Monday, 14 November 2011

Lackadaisically Speaking

Lackadaisically.  I like that word.  Almost as much as I like 'flabbergasted'.  Unfortunately there is not often the opportunity to use both words in the same sentence.  Though I'm sure my grammatical nonsense is intriguing, it is not what this blog is here for.  I apologize to my (18) regular readers for my chronic lack of updates - this was unfortunately due to my utter disinterest in Warmachines and Hordes.  Luckily for this blog, I have regained my interest enough to put fingers to keyboard and craft another incredulously amazing blog post.

Domination.  I have perused the various spoilers being bandied about the internet, having not had time to purchase a copy of the book yet.  I'm still mystified as to why people want their new bathrooms in this very specific time period before Christmas, but who can argue with increased work?  Being a Trollblood player I of course blatantly ignored all other spoilers as clearly inferior to any information concerning my faction.

War Wagon.  I am most pleased with this model and its rules.  I would have liked an additional spray, but having played against the Khador Gun Carriage a few times now, I can see the potential for Great Things from the War Wagon.  I'm planning to proxy it tomorrow (a CD with a cart and 2 long rider models Blu-Tac'd to it) to see how it performs in place of my Nyss Hunters in my pDoomshaper list.

Other Stuff.  Honestly, I'm not fussed about anything else.  I am quite content with my War Wagon - as long as it does fairly well tomorrow.  I've come to the conclusion that most of my infantry choices are a waste of time.  Winterguard and boosted sprays are of no concern when my entire army is ARM 20 and has 22 damage boxes.  Unless the infantry serves a very specific function, I have replaced it with a warbeast of the appropriate point cost.  I can hear cries of despair already, shouts promoting the use of Dygmies and boosting them to broken levels.  Well, they suck.  I'll take the Axer please.

Borka's new themed force has some VERY intriguing possibilities, and I don't mean 3 units of champions.  I speak of Boomhowler & Co.  As faction models.  A unit with Iron Flesh, ARM 18, 4+ Tough, and Feign Death.  Now that's a unit that demands respect, I sense a truly rage inducing unit.  Putting that unit and all the support Trollbloods bring to the table should come with a health warning for your opponent.  Do not use against opponents with high blood pressure.

After my dismal showing at the UK Masters last year, my faction choice this coming year purely revolves around how fantastical I find the War Wagon.  If it's awesomesauce on toast, then I'll bring my Trollbloods, otherwise it's time to improve my street cred (commonly referred to (once upon a time) as 'kudos') by taking Mercenaries.

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