The War Wagon. It is awesome.
That is all.
Actually that would have been better off as a comment rather than a post of its own, I shall have to remedy this.
I got to test it out against Martin tonight and although it died horribly early on in the game due to Martin's insane dice, it still got to knockdown an obscene amount of stuff and generally reveal what it might possibly do if left to its own devices. Finally I have a replacement for those bloody Nyss Hunters! I suspect I'll still have problems against Satyxis Raiders but I'm going to have to figure out a way around them in some other fashion (hello Borka). My pDoomshaper list is now complete.
Having had such a long hiatus from the game it was really fun to put pDoomshaper back on the table and have a list that rocked face. Unfortunately Martin was very reluctant to shoot Mulg, which made Mulg sad. Mulg comforted himself by smashing a Phoenix to bits and getting a critical smite on the last hit to slam it over Vyros for 12 damage. I felt all warm and fuzzy inside. It made up for my Mauler getting killed instantly by two Mage Hunter Assassins (max damage on both of them, wtf?) early in the game.
I have also concluded that my battlegroup with a Bouncer is MUCH better than my other battlegroup. How did I live without the Bump animus? It's just so incredibly useful, especially on something like the War Wagon. Trollbloods... we're back in business.
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