Having heard some feedback from the GenCon Masters utilizing character restrictions across multiple army lists, I'm really quite intrigued. Currently the restrictions don't change any of my Mercenaries lists - though I'm still deciding on the third list - but I'm hearing reports of people switching faction at the requirement. Just think, you won't see Nyss Hunters or Kovnik Joe or Tartarus or the Deathjack in every single list... It sounds a little bit like heaven.
With the standard 3 list format, that means I'm looking at 3 ways to get damage boosts. So... Gorten, eMagnus, Durgen, Aiyana & Holt, and the Ragman form the choices for Mercenaries. Of those, I'm of course taking eMagnus, he's my favorite warcaster and I've pretty much tuned my Bad Seeds list to run as well as it can. There's currently a two point slot to fill but I'd like to see if my Chain Gun Crew can work first. Otherwise I'll fill it with... something...
So, that leaves four choices more. Gorten I'll discard right away due to his small focus stat. It would only drive me up the wall, regardless of how great his feat is. Durgen... well I have the miniature, I have Kayazy Assassins, I even have Reinholdt. His list does lack pathfinder though. A possible issue. I'd also have to stock up on Rhulic heavies as I currently have... none. As for Aiyana & Holt, I dislike their miniatures intensely, but I'd be willing to use them in a Shae themed force. That themed force is extremely tempting, but does require buying a LOT of pirates. If I had money to burn, I'd like to pick it up. Finally we come to the Ragman. He frees up every other caster available really. I'd really like a good, Thamarite themed army but I'm afraid I'd be stuck with Fiona and her stupid canon cultists.
Meanwhile however, I'll be testing out Constance Blaize in all her infantry swarming/warded glory over the next few weeks to see if she can stand up on her own. That army list certainly punishes casters who like upkeep spells, and has a large portion that cannot be targeted by spells. I'm a bit wary of anti-infantry casters or models, but we'll have to see what the first few tests unveil. At least all but 2 models have arrived and are now assembled! I'm missing Rocinante and the Precursor Knight leader model at this point. I can't wait to see my entire army rampage across the board with Crusader's Call going.
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