Having a surprise day off I have started work on pDoomshaper. I'm determined to have him completed for the UK Masters - ideally I'd like my army to be done as well, but beggars can't be choosers. I've decided to approach painting him as if I were entering the likes of Golden Daemon - I'm not going to reach that standard, but I'm going to damn well try.
At the moment I'm worried about his base. I'm not sure it will do justice to the miniature when I'm done, but it's hard to tell at this point. It's just a case of finishing the base and seeing how it looks - the base and Doomshaper are still separate, he's attached to a piece of cork while I'm actually painting. If it's not as grand as I hope then I have plenty of spare medium bases and I'm sure I can use it on a less central figure to my army - maybe my Fell Caller.
So far I've done 4 hours work and pretty much finished Doomshaper's skin except for the spikes on his chin. I'm not sure if I'm doing to do any work on the wood of the staff, it's actually the colour I wanted after a single wash. So far it's been a very enjoyable painting session; the miniature sculpt is great, it's not covered in every random item known to man or beast, and it all seems to be coming together nicely. Watch this space.
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