Monday, 31 May 2010

Gnarly Shamans

Gaze upon the finished glory of the crotchety old bigot of a trollkin!  Isn't he glorious?  Vote for Doomshaper on CMON!  I'd say he's a 7ish if the other Doomshapers there are anything to go by.

Now that I've had a few more games with pDoomshaper - though I lost the last one because I forgot to use my feat... for 3 turns... totally pr0 skillz there - I think I've got a good grasp of his tactics.  His army is all about denial and works best in scenario play where the opposing player must move forward to engage.

I can see why most Trollblood players dislike or are prejudiced against using pDoomshaper.  There's no obvious buffing effect he brings to the army, he doesn't make your models crazy, he's not *obviously* good.  Unlike other the other two warlocks I've tried so far (pMadrak, eDoomshaper) pDoomshaper doesn't seem to have a great deterioration in effectiveness as my army gets worn down.  Even when the going is very rough he seems to have some sort of solution.  The answer may be unconventional or unorthodox, but if it gets the job done...

Certain spells really shine with pDoomshaper: Rampager is ridiculously fun to cast on an opponent's warbeast.  The uses of Rampager are too many to describe in detail, but include things like moving warbeasts into charge range, moving them out of control areas, or even hitting their own warlock.  It's all fun and games.  Stranglehold is the other spell worth mentioning.  It's basically old skool knockdown in a spell.  Use liberally on opponent's heavy warjacks/warbeasts and mock them as they flee.

The UK Masters is this weekend and so there probably won't be another post until Sunday or Monday night.  Expect photos of my glorious victory (or spectacular defeat).

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