Yet another Retribution warcaster has been revealed on the Privateer Press website, Kaelyssa, Night's Whisper. She would appear to be a warcaster version of Eiryss. I'm sure many of you are overjoyed to hear this. The Retribution appear to have cornered the market on armoured parachute pants.
I played a quick 750 game against Tom (Circle/Khador/Ginger) today at GUGS and it was a bit of a white wash as I stopped across his Morvahna list. I used my standard 750 eMagnus list which includes eEiryss, who hoses Morvahna's upkeeps pretty badly. I also had the Dice Gods on my side, reaching the sublime heights where rolling a 10 on 2 dice were acceptable odds of success. With such dice odds I quickly mopped up most of Tom's army while only losing a couple of Halberdiers until the later stages of the game when Tom managed to wreck a Renegade and blow up a fair chunk of the Halberdiers, but by then it was all over; the best he could have hoped for was a swift merciful death for Morvahna as almost my entire army would have been able to charge her next turn.
Discussing what went so horribly, horribly wrong for Tom we came across some interesting conclusions: Morvahna stinks against any side with upkeep removal (not that I did much of that, I just nuked the Wolves with a Rain of Steel after they'd charged), I'd be hesitant to bring her to a game over 500 points; Tom was attempting to play much more aggressively - not as suicidally aggressive as I play but getting up there quickly at least. This led him to lose both the Pureblood and Warpwolf very early on when I knocked them over and then beat the snot out of them with the Steelhead Cavalry; being able to take some very high dice odds for granted certainly helped me out. Mostly I feel it was my ludicrous luck that did the most. Maybe all that praying to the Dice Gods has finally paid off.
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