Saturday, 16 May 2009

Very Revealing

Behold, the wholly revealed cover for the Retribution book. The warcaster in the centre of the cover has been nicknamed Badass (I kid you not) until we get an actual name for him. Nothing says Badass like a black guy with an eye patch. Maybe if I get an eye patch...

The latest No Quarter magazine has some very handy painting tutorials about painting female skin. This is very helpful to me since I'm still painting my NQ Eiryss and most of my attempts at painting female skin have failed miserably. I know some of you may wonder what confluence of mystical events could bring about my downfall in such a way, but a woman's skin is very different from a guy's. A shocking truth to some, I know. Female skin tends to be lighter and smoother so I can't rely on the tried and tested method of washing then using one or two layers of highlights. Using some tips from the NQ article I'm pretty happy with the way Eiryss' face and stomach turned out. An aside, but eEiryss has some really big boobs. Apparently going epic means girls increase their cup size.

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