While this month has seen a distinct lack of battle reports or other articles of interesting I have been rather busy lately painting. Nothing's finished but Boomhowler is near completion with my grey Trollkin colour scheme: yellow quills and grey skin. All that remains on Boomhowler is the wood grain on his blunderbuss and the pouches along his lower back. The three surviving Trollkin Mercenaries I have left from the box are also accumulating a base coat, but at a much slower pace.
What's really grasped my interest however is Eiryss. My No Quarter version of Eiryss arrived in the mail and as I type I've almost finished her base coat along with her epic version. I plan on doing both my NQ Eiryss and eEiryss at the same time since they both use the same colour scheme and palette.
Iain's Pyre Troll is also coming along, but I've only just finished the base coat. I made the mistake of undercoating the Pyre Troll with black; white would have been a much better idea since the base colour Iain wants is bone white. It's taken 4 layers of paint just to get the base coat on without any black showing through. Luckily the actual paint scheme is fairly simple and Iain should have his Pyre Troll by next week.
There's a whole raft of new players appearing on the Warmachine scene at G3 at the moment. A group of former WH40K players decided they'd had enough and are trying out Warmachine. Instead of my usual gubbing against Jim this week I played one of these newcomers, Gary - a Cygnar player. At the moment he's only been playing Stryker and he often plays against another Mercenary player who plays Magnus so I pulled out Ashlynn for a good old 500 point beat down. It was a longer game than expected, but then he did deploy very heavily on one side of the table, I had to use Anastasia's Espionage effect just to maneuver Ashlynn into a position where I could attack Stryker. With a few more games under his belt Gary should be a really good opponent. Once the game was done I decided I'd give him my converted eStryker, I've got enough Mercenaries to work on for a goodly while before I start making my delusions of army variation a reality.
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