Sunday, 16 November 2008

NQ 16!

I just obtained a copy of No Quarter 16! Huzzah! Having perused the articles now it looks like the Amethyst Rose gun mages will be the dexterity specialists while the Arcane Tempest will be the charisma specialists. I'll start making some notes this week on possible paragon path powers and see what some of the other 4e experts around here think.

What do these different foci mean to each paragon path? Well the Amethyst Rose gun mages are going to get powers that let them move around, give themselves bonuses or cause debilitating effects - they focused on impressive gun play rather than sheer magical power. Amethyst Rose gun mages will be more about giving themselves bonuses than doing bad things to their targets.

The Arcane Tempest however are much more blatant, they're going to get more magical effects and more things that directly hurt their opponents. Expect many things like pushes, slides, knockdowns and the like. Tempest gun mages will be about power.

The last paragon path has yet to get a name that I like - though most people just call it Self-Tutored or Self-Taught, I'm trying to find something fancier and cooler sounding. This last path will focus on self-protection, with defensive bonuses and shifting being the key abilities of note.

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