Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Black Sails: the Hoi Polloi, Part I

A quick preview of one of the more important NPCs of my Black Sails adventure.

Matthias Aldred
Male Thurian
Barrister – Dorne & Fergurn Barristers and Imports
Appearance: An aging and pale Thurian who has long since lost most of his hair and that which remains is pure white. He dresses smartly and is often seen with a pair of half-moon spectacles perched on his face.

A secret Thamarite and expert middleman, Matthias Aldred is not a man to be underestimated in his twilight years. He serves the Shroud Thamarite sept – of which he is a lay member – and is often employed as a go-between for the sept and its unwitting agents. It is in his capacity as a barrister and his reputation on handling hired groups that Professor Sunbright contacted Aldred to gather the PCs and begin the search for the lost dirgenmast.

Aldred spends most of his time in the offices of Dorne & Fergurn Barristers and Imports on Bull’s Island where he is well protected by the minions of High Captain Riordan. Not only are the premises protected by Riordan’s finest but Aldred is always accompanied by Logrul the Dogface, a heavily scarred ogrun bodyguard who has sworn his oath of service to the barrister. Aldred’s brand of practical paranoia means he never leaves the offices without his bodyguard, though he will often send Logrul out on specific errands – such as finding a certain person – while he is safely ensconced in his office.

The barrister has been ordered by his superiors in the Shroud to keep an eye on the results of Sunbright’s work in case anything that would interest the sept arises.

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