Sunday, 16 November 2008

Holy Crap, the Internet!

Behold the happy dance! I once again have real access to the internet on a real computer instead of using my iPhone or my sister's iBook to try to do any work. I've moved back out of my sister's house at last and now flatshare with a bunch of other guys (one of whom cannot stop talking about COD 4 and 5, really, that's all he talks about).

4e news... alas, there is none. The guys at the Gobbernomicon have been busy bees in my absence and there's a lot more work there. I'd recommend a visit there if you have any 4e related queries or requests.

I've started to rewrite Black Sails so that the first adventure provides a stronger starting point for the PCs. Now that I've been to my first Warmachine/Hordes tournament (I did get Best of Mercs with my Magnus list - HUZZAH!) I've now met a monkeyload of people interested in playing some IKRPG. It also provides me with an abundance of people who own the right miniatures for every encounter.

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