Thursday, 31 May 2018

UK Games Expo 2018

Yes indeed.  It is almost time for the UK Games Expo.  I will be travelling down later with some friends.  I booked a room at the Metropole this year, at great expense - the cost has been doubling each year I've been going.  I think next year the plan is just to rent an AirBnB for the weekend and we'll just split the cost of parking each day.  There has to be a point where the hotels stop raising their prices... but I doubt it's any time soon.

While at the Expo, the plan is to play as many different things as possible this year, pick up some more D&D goodies, and maybe flesh out my Prefecture purchases so we can begin testing for Risen Sun over the next few weeks.  I expect Jason and I will have a sit down and discuss fine tuning profiles.  We've already revised a few things for simplicity and did a little re-jigging so that things require less long term bookkeeping.  The most common problem we have is coming up with ability names that aren't terrible Google-translate misanthropes.  This is where my writing background actually comes in handy - or I discover I've managed to come up with  the same name as something in L5R... that's happened at least 3 times so far.

Bit of drama on the Facebook front, Aaron in the US had a bit of an issue with someone on Facebook and has since quit the game and ditched his volunteering Retainer-stuff.  Pity really, he did good work at Adepticon and was prepared to do all the groundwork for the game.

Back to the Expo however, I won't be playing in the tournament this year - as usual - so I'll be running things again.  I didn't enjoy playing the bye players at BonesCon, it was very much akin to how I think kicking puppies would feel like, and there were some truly odd ways some people were interpreting the rules.  This time I'll go back to full time Rules Guy, and I can patrol between the tables again.

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