Sunday, 20 May 2018

The Man With No Name

Had my first game involving Toshiro, the show special ronin, today.  And holy jeeblars he changes the game.  He's meant to, but even so, he does it in a really odd way.  Since everything with damage on it suddenly becomes Aggressive, the game turns into a bloodbath in a hurry.

After a few games against him, I think I've figured out how he changes the game.  As everything becomes Aggressive eventually, the game becomes focused on the alpha-strike.  Whomever attacks first has a distinct advantage.  This is probably why my Jung Pirates got destroyed, but my Ito Clan could just keep fighting.  The Ito Clan are really focused on being able to attack first, so Toshiro doesn't change the way they play too much.  Opponents of the Ito Clan might be the active player, but they rarely have the Initiative in a Melee Exchange.

My new Prefecture models arrived and I was busy gluing my fingers to bases and bits of metal while trying to put the miniatures together.  I do appreciate just how few pieces most of the Prefecture models are though.  Most of the starter box are single piece miniatures.  First up on the painting table will probably be Atsushi and Shinobu because they’re awesome miniatures.  I’m going to save Kioshi for quite late on since he’s my current favourite.  Hopefully I’ll have them all painted for just after the UK Games Expo so Risen Sun testing can commence proper.  I look forward to having 6+ pass tokens most turns.

There's been a lot of discussion about the new Death & Decay theme that was added, and I'm really surprised that people are having trouble with the basic Death & Decay.  It's not a hard warband to fight against, you just need to stop thinking you can kill kairai.  Simply use any special that lets you move them or your model and you end up shuffling them around the board.  The real problem is the Desecrated Grave, but that's already been sorted out in Risen Sun.

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