Thursday, 14 August 2014

Wakka Wakka Wakka

I'm in the process of moving flats right now, so there might be a dead period as I transfer my worldly possessions to my new flat.  At last I have a place of my very own, with no flatmates to steal my precious, precious bandwidth.  Ahhhh, the luxury!

Tried out a very different sort of list than the ones I usually play, this time centred around having 2 scary fighters and all the better ashigaru I could cram into a list:

Ito Kenzo
Temple Bushi x2

I would have liked Chiyo in the list for some added mobility and being able to aggressively attack the enemy support models behind the front line, but I just didn't have the points to spare.

The more I play Yatsumata, the more I like the giant twin-headed snake.  She just rocks up to somewhere worth defending and sits there all game fending off anyone foolish enough to come near - if they don't come deal with her, she just heads further down the board.  The list worked out rather well against Martin's Savage Wave, but he didn't know Yatsumata had light footed and left Waka too far forward on turn one.  Yatsumata just rocketed up the board and ended up pinning down both Zuba and Waka for the entire game while everyone else mopped up bakemono.  I do like winning but I prefer to win because I outplayed my opponent, not because they didn't know my awesome model could walk through those bushes and instantly get into melee.  Hitoshi went on a bit of a rampage, he was responsible for the majority of my kills funnily enough.  Usually he just sits around being useless and failing fear tests.

The strategy of very aggressively pursuing enemy zones and objectives is really working out for me, I do feel this is how the Ito Clan are meant to be played.

Jim's first outing with the Savage Wave was interesting to see, and Mark Watson seems to have gotten a real hold on how the Silvermoon play out.  It was really fascinating to see a Cave Bat with stupidity (5) and when it passed the Ki test, Mark would hammer it with a Bought Loyalty or force a re-roll.  The poor Cave Bat did almost nothing the entire game.  Yusha spent the game being a Silvermoon model, but Tenbatsu (now called "the Big Man") just stomped up the board and mowed down anyone who came remotely close to him. The warband we came up with for Jim uses a very different style of list to the type that Martin does, it's really neat to see the different styles of play within the same faction.

Taisho Tenbatsu
Cave Bat
+Bones of Power
2 random Bakemono of choice

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