Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Eight is the Magic Number

I should really include more pictures in the blog.

Speaking of pictures, time to show my two Bushido boards (both of which need some repair work...) and the terrain I've been making.  I have a lot more terrain, but a good chunk of it is for a Warmachine/Hordes table, and thus completely unsuitable for Bushido simply because of the size of it.  A 4" forest in WM/H isn't anything to write home about, in Bushido it's a major obstacle.  BEHOLD!

Swamp Board with the majority of new terrain
Temple Board without any terrain.  I left it on the car roof once

No games of Bushido for me this last week I'm afraid.  Too bad, so sad.  Still waiting on the gigantic order of the Savage Wave and Wave 19 stuff to arrive - it's going to be exciting stuff.  Whilst I was previously very keen on Satsuki and the possibilities of running more shisai, this has fallen to the wayside a bit as the current test profile(s) are really exciting for the Ito Clan.  I'm finding it really hard not to put them in every list I'm going to use.  Or write massive spoilers about them.  Wave 20 is looking very sexy for everyone so far.

There was a really exciting game a couple of weeks ago now between Jim's Cult and Mark's Silvermoon the other week.  I have a newfound respect for Old Zo and his Tax - and yes, we make a lot of jokes about Tax as we're self-employed (and thus pay almost no tax in real-life) - as it's a very powerful counter to the kami models of the Cult.  They usually boost their melee/movement for 1 Ki, and can often gain it back in a melee exchange.  With Tax active however, they really hurt themselves to do this.  We got to see the début of the Death Chicken (Okete-san), which killed the Wraith.  No joke.  Talk about a return on the rice investment.  Mark has also embraced my mantra of "your opponent needs success level 8 to have a chance of one-shotting a buto or oni" so will usually roll attack dice even if his buto is down to a single dice.  And it's really brutal.  We got to see Mo Ises (Mo Eee-say?) hit Tautola for 7 damage from a single attack, only to get utterly smashed by the buto's return attack.  So yes, Tautola was hurt, but Mo Ises was just plain dead.  This is how I envision oni should be played.


  1. Nice work on the swamp board. Is it lots of little islands and a bucket full of water effects gel?
    ...I've also been on the receiving end of a death chicken assault; not nice :(


  2. The swamp board was supposed to be a jungle board and it was a 50mm thick piece of blue compressed styrofoam originally. I cut down into it to make the raised platforms (an exercise in incredibly inefficient ways to make raised parts of the board) but there were lots of sloping surfaces. I discovered very quickly after a couple of games that sloping surfaces are terrible, terrible ideas, so filled the board with a silicone compound called CT-1 which goes perfectly clear when it sets. However, it also has a very strong anti-septic smell that gave me a headache when playing on the board, so I coated in 3 layers of PVA. Unfortunately I'd left the board on a very slight tilt for the last coat of the PVA which is why there's that weird cloudy mess in one corner of the board.

    I would 100% recommend the bucket of water effects gel instead of the CT-1 route. It was an excellent learning experience for my first board however.
