Another game against Dave's Prefecture today, at 35 rice, my 50 rice list reinforcements still haven't arrived from GCT - though they are about to ship out everyone's copy of the rulebook, so I can forgive them for the delay I guess. I used the old starter box set (even if only Chiyo was painted out of that set) and it definitely feels like I get more out of it than the normal one. Dave won 2-1 on that one, mostly because Bikou is total bullshit.
I do wonder how on earth certain models make it through any sort of play-testing, I only had to look at her card to go "wtf?"; actual play experience confirmed this. Who gives a model that generates 2 Ki, a 2 cost Ki feat that lets her shoot 3 times? Shooting is extremely powerful in Bushido for the most part, and 3 shots that ignore armour just... words cannot describe the feeling of design failure. I mean, when you have a look at the Prefecture forum and see this, something needs a fix. Personally I'd like to see Bikou's "Hail of Steel" being 1 Ki more expensive or being Rapid Fire (2) instead. At the moment she picks someone within 8" and they just die if they have no Toughness. Models with a 'death bubble' around them probably need a fix.
Other than her however, the game was pretty good. Kenzo did his thing and became bogged down fighting Mizuchi for 4 turns before finally killing the the bloody dragon. I did have some unlucky dice but Dave mostly just continued to defend as much as he could on Mizuchi. Feint is a very powerful ability to activate, and if you want someone dead, definitely dedicate the Ki or resources to using that skill. Sakura turned out to be a Ki battery yet again, though she did help a Temple Bushi take down Mikio, but I'm finding her to be rather disappointing at the moment. I'd really like her to be more active.
Update: Done! There's a link in the side tab for my suggested changes now. Or click here.
Pictures Andy, we need lost of pictures!
ReplyDeleteI need light to take pictures first!