Wednesday, 26 June 2013

It's Bird, Definitely not a Plane

It looks like people voted for the tengu in the Bushido Facebook poll, I thought the Minimoto were going to get it (and I voted for them) but a late surge in votes pushed the tengu to the front.  I was wondering if GCT were going for the long-nosed tengu or the bird people route, I'm not surprised they opted for the long-nosed tengu since GCT seem to stay as close to traditional Japanese mythology as possible for most of their supernatural creatures - or at very least give a hefty nod in that direction.

The Temple Bushi and Kazuhiko are both painted and based.  Quite happy how they came out; again, not my finest work, but good tabletop quality and I'm just happy to have a mostly painted force rather than trying to make each model a masterpiece.  Yes, there will be (bad) pictures since my digital camera went the way of the dodo a long time ago, and I don't have the big lights I used to photograph my Sunshine Kriel models.  Once there's daylight again I'll whip out the smartphone and take some pictures.

The Temple Bushi was a real asset in my demo game for Martin Casey and his Savage Wave - though we discovered that the Bakemono Archers aren't quite all we thought they were going to be.  It could just be a starter box thing though, I had a word with one of the other Savage Wave players later and he was telling me about the general tricks the Bakemono Horde can pile onto the table once you throw in the characters.  Well, that's for Martin and the other Savage Wave players to test out.  Zuba was pretty awesome though, he blatted Naoko rather handily before Kenzo finally took the oni down in a few rounds of combat.  I really like Kenzo, he's definitely my favorite troubleshooter for the Ito Clan.

The new tactic of focusing on the majority of the objectives, rather than ALL of them seems to have worked out nicely.  Just piling my guys towards a limited number of objectives and getting an early scenario activation or two really helps.  I can see how problematic armies like the Prefecture ashigaru lists are for scenarios since they can give the ashigaru extra activations.  I noticed that I could reach the objectives at the end of turn one, but I had no more activations to utilize them.  With Hanzo and/or Junichi can easily get to an object and still have an activation or two to do scenario actions on turn one.  Bloody Prefecture.  I'll just have to kill them all.  Or I can run the Ito Clan version of the list using Satoshi and lots of my own ashigaru.

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