I was looking at my Mercenaries since I'm in something of a painting mood lately (even if most of my paints dried up) and I keep thinking I'll go for the street cred at this year's UK Masters. Then I look at this and throw that idea straight out the window. I want my tank.
Luckily I know Shae Konnit (or as I know him: Gav) who can supply me with my Warmachine/Hordes needs! Whilst his online store does leave a lot to be desired, a quick e-mail to Gav can usually net you what you're after at a very reasonable price. It's where I'm getting my awesometastic War Wagon from.
There's been a lot of interest in eMagnus on the Mercenaries forums, with an additional inspection focused on the Bad Seeds themed force. I tend to play that list primarily as an assassination list, but a lot of other people have been saying they've been using it in more of an attrition style. Maybe it's time I try it out with the attrition in mind, as I'm trying to teach myself to do with the Trollbloods. Unfortunately a lot of the games I've played with it were without time limits, but I'm pretty sure I could fairly easily score a control point or two in a normal timed game.
With less than 20 games to squeeze in before the UK Masters, I really need to decide what to bring. I wrote down my 3 planned Mercenary lists and then realised just how many models I'd need to get, and that made me a sad panda. I think I'd need 3 more boxes of Steelhead Halberdiers, 2 min unit boxes of Steelhead Heavy Cavalry, another box of Sword Knights, the list goes on and on. It's a pretty big order when it comes down to it, not even my PG points could cover all of that. I don't think my soul would survive having to paint all that either.
On the other hand, the Trollbloods have the benefit of having a larger amount of overlap between my lists. Reinforcements are also quite simple: Burrowers, Fell Caller, 1 point option of choice. Nice and easy. For my choice of warlocks, I was thinking pDoomshaper, Grim Angus and Jarl Skuld. I think I've worked out a Jarl list I'm happy to test but I think I'll need to play around with other things for Grim Angus' list. Given my terrible record against Cryx, I should probably cater some sort of list to counter the issues I typically have playing against them.
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