Monday, 20 February 2012

Military Standards

I've actually played some Vassal games over the last couple of days - rather than just lurking and making fun of everyone - and I'm finding two things:  I'm getting very tired of weapon master infantry in large numbers; and that SR2012 scenarios with interactive objectives need a serious amount of ranged options.

The first is just a reflection of how Warmachine interacts with Hordes for the most part, but it would be nice to have some better options for getting rid of them.  As much as I looooove utilizing low POW blast damage and all, I'm really starting to feel like the Trollbloods are missing out on the options that involve shooting the weapon masters before they arrive in my lines.  Regardless, testing continues.  Maybe I just need a Bomber and to boost like crazy...

The second came up while I was trying to play Guidons against Mike Davies on Vassal.  I found that I couldn't prevent him from scoring without taking some ludicrously stupid risks with my models since he went first and started the scoring race before me.  I think simply making the earliest interaction with the objectives start on the second player's second turn (when scoring normally starts) would prevent this.  By moving the interaction back a turn, the first player has already moved to protect their own objective, while the second player now gets a chance to protect theirs without getting horribly tanked on the first player's third turn.  Of course none of this changes how the scenarios are currently played, so for now, be prepared to do some madly suicidal attacks in order to prevent your opponent from scoring.

1 comment:

  1. Well in this case your looking to tip the scoring race so its level again and thus have to think (moderately) outside the box. In a scenario like this throwing a whole unit or beast in to range to contest is either going to be A. difficult, B. suicidal, C. impossible or D. all of the above. So in this case, during the list building phase we're looking for a cheap light or solo (between 2 to 4 points, max) to get in their and jam up their scoring when the Guidon reaches the zone. Not only does this bring you level in terms of scoring pace but it potentially buys you an additional turn to kill the enemies Guidon or caster. The application of your 'jammer' at the start of the 2nd players turn will pretty much guarantee the game stretching to the 4th turn providing you don't get 'jammed' yourself or assassinated (and few WM games last beyond this stage anyway).

    The brave martyrs to this cause should include units such as Machine Wraiths, Warwitch Sirens, Menite monks, Kayazy eliminators, cavalry solos, anything with parry and a decent spd and so on.

    Its definitely easier for some factions...trolls might just have it rough!
