Tonight I had a 50 point game against Barry and his Protectorate troops, I pulled out my usual pDoomshaper list since that had a War Wagon in it and I said it was going to tank him horribly. Also I did not have time to repack my case before heading to the club as I'd arrived home later than expected. So it was either Doomshaper (either one) or my Borka list designed for maximum rage inducement (could that be rage induction?). Seeing as the eDoomshaper list doesn't have a War Wagon, it wasn't much of a choice in picking pDoomshaper.
I recently had a discussion with Jim while we worked where I mentioned that I need to train myself to play an attrition game. Typically I get bored of the current situation on the board or attempt to dive down my opponent's throat when there's no real need to do anything. Tonight's game was the first one where I attempted this new playstyle and unfortunately Barry got a massive tanking.
Adopting attrition tactics was a bit unusual for me as I mentioned before and forces you to adapt to the weaknesses in your opponent's army. I looked at what Barry had put down and saw the following important pieces of information:
- Menite warjacks have no pathfinder or any way to get it (besides Amon.)
- Most of his infantry did not have Reach
- Errants have pea-shooters.
- Most of the rest of the army lacked pathfinder and would rely on the Piper.
The Covenant also made an appearance and there wasn't any way I could really do anything to it, so I just ignored it and operated on the assumption that Protectorate models can't be knocked down or made stationary. I couldn't tell you if forcing Janissa back with the no spells option on the Covenant would have worked since then I would have just dropped that giant knockdown template in the middle of Barry's army and taken my sweet time dismantling it piece by immobile piece.
There are certain key concepts that I'm working out with the new playstyle at the moment:
- If you don't have to move forward, don't.
- Only attack your opponent with little or no repercussions.
- Present your opponent with horrible, horrible choices.
Mock everything they hold dear and crush their spirit!
That was also my first taste of SR2012 and I rather like the addition of Kill Box to the standard scenarios, I haven't tried the other Artifices yet, but I'll give feedback on those once they've been tried.
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