Monday, 19 December 2011


Trying out the wide variety of warlocks I have using the same template list has been... difficult.  Most of the time I'm finding them unusually exposed or a little counter-intuitive to how I want to play them.  I'm having particular difficulty with Grim Angus and the stupidly long range on his gun.  I'm not sure why, but he's just not playing how I'd like him to play.  I'll muddle through a few more games and see whether he opens up for me though.

For all the good the Impaler does, I think it's something of a trap.  You're taking a light warbeast that generates fury like it would end world poverty and has a 50% chance of doing almost nothing in the entire game.  I have a similar problem with the Bomber, I'm not getting production value out of the fury that's being generated.  It works with eDoomshaper, but that's due to Refuge and I honestly don't care if it frenzies most of the time or there are whelps being spawned left, right and centre.

I picked up eGrissel (or Grissel2?  With the next layer of epics I think the number terminology may finally come into effect) while I was Christmas shopping with Hannah on Saturday, she might be worth a spin.  I like the idea of taking her against Menoth to force their issues with pathfinder.  I'll certainly have a think about it before my game against Ricky's Retribution tomorrow.  Or just bring my Mercenaries and rocket him to death.

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