If you aren't a Rules Forum lurker like I am, then you may have missed the
recent ruling of Trample. If you end your movement in base-to-base with a small based model, you no longer get to make a Trample attack against them - well, if they're in your front arc at the end of the Trample. Apparently now you must move over their base now. As a giant can of worms, this is pretty big. Does that mean all the way over? Can I stop halfway across a base, get reset to my last valid position and then still get my Trample attack? Why is this being implemented now after we've played with Trample as it was for over a year?
There are a lot of questions being asked now in the Rules Forum, which implies there has been a change in a core mechanic - which there has. I don't view that as a good thing: if it isn't broken, don't fix it. All this came about because someone asked "what happens if I'm in base-to-base with a bunch of small bases and I trample 0"?" Given that the game has 0.5" melee range on all models, the odds of getting more than 2-3 small based models with this technique was nearly non-existent.
But alas, strange rulings and impending errata are not my providence.
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