Borka = Fun. A surprisingly easy equation. I tried out his themed force, and he's very simple to play: spend 5 fury on Iron Flesh+Mosh Pit/Wind Wall (or use Animi), Keg Carrier tops up. Next turn Borka leeches 3 Fury, repeat as needed. I like using AD on my Bomber, it lets me throw templates into the opponent's front line nice and early with a couple of good deviations.
My only worry about the list is the giant unit of Fennblades (I have stooped to using them). With the UA, it's a 12 model unit and it is very hard to score scenario points with such a large unit footprint. It also doesn't help that the unit often misleads me as to how much of it is actually contesting a zone. I took my eye off a zone earlier today and totally missed the fact that only two Fennblades were in the zone, the rest were beating up Bane Knights.
I discovered that Champions and Scouts make an excellent combination. The Scouts are fast with AD and quickly engage the enemy long enough for the Champions to get into position and ready to smash face. Of course, Skaldi is pretty awesome. So far he's been fairly legendary in every game I've used him in. It's tempting to see if I could find a way to squeeze him in to my pDoomshaper list, but I think my pDoomshaper list is almost set in stone at this point - I just need to test it out using Burrowers instead of the Nyss Hunters.
I'm set on Borka and pDoomshaper now. Borka is simple, fast, and nigh unkillable - that alone allows me a great luxury. As for pDoomshaper, I'm sure this blog may be some sort of digital shrine to his use. For my final caster I'm going to test out Calandra and Grim Angus, hopefully I'll be able to find something simple and easy in a hurry.
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