Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Vassal Tutorial: How to Install and Run Warmachine & Hordes using Vassal

1.) Google Vassal or go directly to this link: http://www.vassalengine.org/
2.) Go to the Downloads section (bar is at the top)
3.) Download the latest version of Vassal - you will need Java to run it, but I suspect 99.9% of people have Java and just don't know it.  If you don't, then Google Java and download the Free Java Software.
4.) Download the version of the module (4.1 currently): http://z7.invisionfree.com/vassalwmh/index.php?showtopic=2
5.) Install and run Vassal.
6.) A Vassal window will appear, select Open Module and find the Warmachine download.
7.) Search for a game online
8.) Wander around crying about other people's activation orders.  Remember that selecting something and right clicking usually shows you a way to resolve most problems.

I found this very useful website that covers most of the questions I had about Vassal: http://vassalwmh.co.cc/

UPDATE: The tutorial website appears to have vanished from the internet.

To start a game:
1.) you must enter or create a room and have another opponent in that room.
2.) One of you must create a map, there should be a number of Steamroller friendly maps.
3.) The player who did not create the game needs to right click and select SYNCHRONIZE with the other player.
4.) Pick a player number (one or two) and away you go.

To stop the tape-measures going wild after measuring, have the zoom at 100%


  1. Java may be the main choice for enterprise development now, but it’s days are numbered as the only stalwart option to go with.

    Let’s face it, many of these so called “enterprise applications” could easily have been written much faster and with less overhead using technologies like Python, PHP, et al.

    open source training

  2. @Jazzie Casas: Weakly-typed languages like Python and PHP are a long-term maintability nightmare.

  3. I'd never heard about Vassal before, so I'm glad you've got this article: I wouldn't have found it otherwise.

  4. Cheers for the Tut.
