Sunday, 21 November 2010

Grid Iron I

Yesterday's tournament went fairly well, except for starting a LOT later than I'd have liked.  The GUGS person with the cupboard keys (who is usually very reliable) didn't even turn up, so we were delayed almost 2 hours from starting.  To say I was not amused would be a massive understatement.

Nevertheless, we did get the cupboard open (BEFORE Jim and Alan could cut the door off the hinges with the angle grinder we keep in the van (I bet you think we're kidding too)).  I found my newly bought cake boards start to bend during gameplay, which is less than optimal.  I've got to find a way to keep them flat or at least break them in until they stay flat.  Or spend MORE money getting something better.  Time to start testing solutions!

While Jim and Murray played the finals, everyone else tested out the Grind scenario for me, and it's pretty good. What makes it better is if it were played in the Mangled Metal/Tooth & Claw format.  Which leads me to my next series of tournaments: Grid Iron.  25 points of warjacks/warbeasts only mayhem using the Grind and Demolition scenarios in SR2011 (available to Press Gangers in draft form atm).  I'm going to run the first one in January if I can find out which date Intrepidations wants to run their tournament on - just so we're not conflicting (though I may be running the Intrepidations tournament anyway).  If it's a success, I'll try to bring the format to Perth and Dundee just to break up the endless series of normal Steamroller tournaments that I'm running.

Also: Vassal... how the hell do I use it?  I've managed to spectate on some games (and cringe at how bad some people are with activation orders) but actually playing a game is currently beyond me.  I'll have to set aside some time to master this digital form of our favourite wargame.

1 comment:

  1. Vassal...gawd knows...I have tried many a time to play a 2 player hotseat (to practice deployment etc), and cant figure it out. Bear in mind I do stuff like that for a living...It quickly breached my CBA limit, and I reverted to using battle chronicler to practice such things.
