Monday, 7 June 2010

A new start

Hey folks, new author here. My name is Adam and I have been playing warmachine since it was first released. Over the years I have amassed a very sizeable collection of miniatures for warmahordes. Trouble is I seem to find very little time to build/paint/play anymore due to "real life" getting in the way. So I have gotten Andy to add me to the steamworks authors in an attempt to spur on my gaming habits.
Many years and a staff discount at a local games shop has given me a fairly impressive amount of toy soldiers, most of which remain unbuilt! That's that real life thing kicking in again . So I have decided to back to my roots and concentrate on a 35 point menoth force that I will build and paint up, tracking my progress on the steamworks blog. I will also update on how my little force has been fairing on the battlefield against as many opponents as possible.
My favourite warcaster is prime Serverius. Eye of menoth is argubally the best support spell in the entire game especially for an upkeep and is a big reason I like the old priest so much. On top of that he brings plenty of other great upkeep spells and doesnt' lack in the offensive spell department either. I love the old guy so much that a few years ago I commisioned Alison Mcvey to paint mine for me, since then she also painted the blessing of vengeance warjack to go with him. These 2 models are my starting point for the force. The 1 extra point you pay for the blessing over a standard revenger is a no brainer when using serverius. Not only does it fit the background but defensive strike and the warjacks affinity with serverius make it invaluable.

So my 35 point list is going to be
Serverius +6 WJ points
Blessing of Vengeance 7
Reckoner 8
Vanquisher 8
Vassal of Menoth 2
Full choir 3
Full zealots with monolith bearer 8
Min Flameguard Cleansers 5

I will be using this list pretty much exclusively for the forseeable future while I paint it. So my next entries will be my figures as I paint them, and games with this force. Once I have this fully painted (may take a while folks) I will do a proper battle report with photos etc.
I may even see if the other 3 authors on the blog want to play me and i'll do battle reports of all three games, hows that sound guys?

Hopefully by the end of the week I will have taken some photos of my 2 Alison Mcvey Minis and post them first.


  1. Now that's a nice pSevvy Army. I love the Min Cleansers as they love the Eye of Menoth. Undoubtably you'll be fighting Lee and Jim so I expect some awesome games. I'd love to read the battle reports. :D

  2. Very INTERESTINK Mr Davies.

    So, this is the army that I'll be Retributioning, (New verb) on Sunday coming???

  3. It will be mate. My Aim is to use this list exclusively for the next wee while regardless of its possible shortcomings.
