Tuesday, 6 April 2010

The Taking of Souls

Jim, for the love of the Dragonfather, read Soul Taker. It is NOT Soul Cages. It's also on your Harrower.

Having secured myself Cylena Raefyll and the Nyss Hunters my eMagnus list is nearing completion and is almost ready to be tested out. All I need to do is assemble these bloody Nyss Hunters. Who designed the assembly, were they on psychotropic drugs of some sort, and was there a real need to make these models 6+ parts each? Well, I'm complaining but it's not actually that difficult to put them together, it's just very time consuming - that and I've glued my fingers to my models a number of times now.

The Satyxis Reaver Bloog Hag does concern me greatly. I'm infamous for relying on Tough, whether it's through expendable troops or using the tarpitiest of tarpits Boomhowler & Co. Given that there are numerous Cryx players, I'm going to end up playing against the Bloog Hag a lot. Also, the anti-healing part of her aura opens a whole can of worms from a rules point of view: for example, what happens if an Exemplar Errant Seneschal is disabled and wants to sacrifice an Errant? I foresee many headaches to come.

Also, when are we going to see some Mercenary models with Power Booster?!

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