Tuesday, 13 April 2010

The Boundaries of Space

Had my first 50 point tester game against Tom using his Retribution and I was using my Mercenaries (Four Star Syndicate). We were playing Incursion (the scenario with three flags). Casualties on both sides were horrendous, Boomhowler & the Wall of Tough was fairly lacklustre but Cylena and the Nyss Hunters made an excellent effort.

Eventually Kill Box shone through, denying Tom the ability to counter my flag capture on the left side of the board. I managed to capture that flag with the Nyss Hunters, a Renegade and Aiyana and Holt clearing away the majority of his Sentinels until eMagnus stepped in with his Scattergun to clear out the remnants. I'm happy to say I even managed the much vaunted Kiss of Lyliss and Calamity combination onto the same target before it was blown to bits. It's very impressive, I'll have to try it more often.

One thing I *must* remember to do is to keep eEiryss away from my warjacks. I moved her away from a Renegade thinking just that, promptly forgot and then moved the Renegade back into her aura. My genius is showing through I'm sure. I would also LOVE someone who can repair my warjacks. I was thinking I would swap out Gorman di Wulfe for Dirty Meg, at least until a better option arrives (please, please, please).

Overall, a very fun game. Lots of casualties, a good punch up in the middle (or everywhere but the middle as that was the flag that vanished), and a hail mary attempt by Garryth to kill eMagnus.

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