Thursday, 15 October 2009

Sliding Down

The game on Tuesday at G3 was against Scott and his Gorten list. He's expanded out from the Searforge Commission to include models from the Highborn Covenant in his list now. I opted to bring along Ashlynn - once again Martin is a regular opponent of Scott's, so bringing along Magnus would have been more of the same for him.

It was a very enjoyable games, though Scott's assassination run was a total comedy of errors: he attempted to kill Ashlynn while Roulette was still up, his own Dwarf Toss caused 7 points of damage to Gorten and he landed outside his feat range of Ashlynn. Granted it was a matter of desperation as my superfast Steelhead block was about to envelope his flank and start rolling it all up - I'd already killed Alexia with my initial charge.

It was still nail-biting however as a single hit from Gorten can easily kill Ashlynn and he only needed a 7 to hit her after the Landslide, not impossible even with Roulette keeping her safe. By moving first and then activating his feat I couldn't trigger Feint and escape from the combat (eek). Three 6's later Ashlynn just about killed Gorten with a series of Riposte attacks. On my turn I activated Ashlynn first and stabbed Gorten for the last point of damage.

I've just about finished writing my first Pathfinder adventure, I just need to dig up some sort of battlemat - ideally one with squares that can cope with the bases that Privateer Press use, most mats seem to have 1" squares. It's finding a store in the UK that sells the mats that's the problem. If there's no hope of that happening then I'll just have to pick up a roll of 1" squared laminated sheet from the art store.

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