Great, I just typed a very long post about the highlights of my game against Chris at G3 and how it was a rather good game - though Borka didn't die to a 5 focus Ashlynn charging him (that made me a sad panda indeed). Then Blogspot decided that I'd made too many edits and decided not to let me post. GRAHHH! Oh well, an entertaining and highly insightful post (the meaning of life was revealed but alas it is once against a mystery) lost to the ether.
I guess everyone with just have to wait until the weekend for my next exciting and world-shaking post - though it's more likely I'll make an IKRPG-related post. I would kill for a really nice map-maker actually, one that lets me make little encounter maps like you see in Dungeon or any of the old 3.5e adventures. Failing that I'll just have to invest in a scanner or some sort.
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