Thursday, 16 July 2009

Beginning the Sunshine Kriel

I know someone's already taken the name of the Golden Horde for their Trollbloods so I'll have to sit down and come up with something of my own. Epic Doomshaper is now finished for all intents and purposes, there's a couple of touch-ups that need to be done now that I've taken my pictures and can see *every* mistake I made. Nothing inspires doing more work than seeing huge glaring errors (ironically only visible once you zoom in on the model) on your miniature.

Pictar removed! See further posts for updated pictar.

Overall I'm quite pleased with my choice of colours, they all work very well together but still provide much needed contrast and 'visual pop'. The miniature does suffer Privateer's need to give the model every single possible item the character in question will ever carry at one time. The bajillion scrolls on eDoomy's back were a total pain and I'm not happy with how the long brass one turned out. I'll have to go back and see what I can do with it.

Privateer Press continue to release pictures of Retribution models. This time it's Ravyn, Eternal Light. That white thing on her face is her hair, not a bandage as many people initially thought. She'd also look much better as a blonde, I'm not sure why but I'm almost 100% sure of this.


  1. Dude, that is funking awsome. I'm gobsmacked, well done. How many hours did you put into this?

  2. Not that many actually, definitely less than either version of Magnus. I think maybe 8-10 in total given how stop-start working on him was.
