Monday, 18 August 2008

I'm in Ur Gobbernomicon Editing Ur Posts

Having finally figured out how to authenticate myself with the Gobbernomicon, I'm going to transfer all my 4e work there as well, just to be doubly sure it doesn't get lost. There's a few formatting issues but I'm sure I can figure those out with Burrowowl's help.


  1. Lee,

    So is Gobbernomicon a 4e IK resource or is it just a collection of Doug's writings?

    Is this something your hoping to expand? Curious minds want to know.


  2. It's both I believe, it's Burrowowl's baby so-to-speak; he copied a lot of the original drafts of people's 4e conversions there, including all my stuff, though there are a number of errors I've since corrected. There are also things I'd beat my forehead off the table over (the 4e Nyss conversion for example) - however, people aren't happy I gave normal trollkin +2 cha and they want +2 str (USE A STAT ARRAY YOU GIMPS!), so each to their own.

    To use the Gobbernomicon as a 4e resource you just need to do a search for 4e or the relevant race/class/paragon path there. I'm hoping to increase my use of the Gobbernomicon, since the death of my last hard drive I've been somewhat paranoid about keeping data in one place.

  3. The Gobbernomicon is certainly an appropriate place for a 4th edition conversion of the IKRPG. It would have made for a better repository of Doug Seacat posts if I were to actually automate the collection of those posts, but I never got around to take and tired of copying and pasting text and URLs and such all by my lonesome. :)


  4. What happened to Gobbernomicon? The site appears to have gone by way of the dodo bird.

  5. Burrowowl has indeed taken the Gobbernomicon down for various reasons. It has gone the way of the dodo.
