Friday, 8 August 2008

Finish Him!

Many people who play in my D&D games could do so without the fear of having their characters horribly slaughtered by overwhelming odds. The fools! I have now discovered the coup de grace (pronounced: coo deh grah) and the brutalizing has begun. Logrul Beknar, the group's ogrun fighter, was pounced upon by some tharn ravagers and quickly downed early in the fight (shocking everyone, Logrul's refused to die or keel over on many occasions so far and he's a monster with that halberd). Everyone in the party seemed to think they could leave him for a round or two before going to administer aid. The fools!

What do the tharn do? They cut his heart out and ate it. Now that's a coup de grace. I did want to stomp on Logrul's head with a war beast of some sort, but the encounter didn't have any.

Luckily this was the last session for a while, so Sebs, the player who plays Logrul, has plenty of time to pick his next character and figure out how to fit him into the party. Even so, I look forward to more coup de grace.

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