Thursday, 20 January 2022

Blood & Deed: The Aftermath - Game 1

GAME ONE: The Idols


This version of the Idols scenario used Corner Square Deployment.

Opponent: Andrew Garry

Army of the Minimoto

Minimoto Niko
+ Avalanche
Minimoto Reo
+ Minimoto Clan Armour
Minimoto Yuji
+ Irokane Tetsubo
+ Teachings of Yashushi
Masaema Aya
+ The Mountain Moves
+ Hotai's Coin
+ Mind Over Matter

Hasty Bear

[A brief caveat about this game: Andrew's dice were awful. There was simply no way to stop all my proning effects without rolling at least semi-decently.]

The Minimoto was my first opposition, and I realised that I was at model parity even with Hiroto and Eldest Brother safely tucked away in Elsewhere. The models I needed to watch were Akemi and Reo due to their immunities to Prone. Scoring is turns 4+, so there's no need to make an early scenario push. I opted to have Hiroto and Eldest Brother arrive on turn two on the table edge to my right (furthest away from my deployment zone).

With so few models, Andrew suffered quite badly. He simply didn't get to play much of a game as Minato slammed Niko into Yuji (and vice versa) a couple of times, and Aya was killed by Hiroto and Eldest Brother. I don't remember how I killed Akemi, but he only threw one dog bowl and no one died. I pretty quickly had all 3 objectives rotated my way and just burned through Andrew's activations. Reo did eventually kill Minato, but after that I managed to get my Kami of Morning Dew into the samurai so he was going to be tied up forever.

Andrew was very gracious throughout this admitted horrific experience. He conceded at the end of turn 5 because the only actions left to him were often Stand Up and he was down to two models at this point. I have to thank the games I've played against Alasdair Johnstone prior to this. They gave me familiarity with the Minimoto profiles, and knowing things like Reo is the only one I can't ragdoll into the horizon is extremely valuable information.

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