Monday, 22 June 2015

Birds of a Feather

Wave 23 is now available for pre-order.  Gogo, order your new stuff!  Don't forget the new special card packs - if you're buying packs and you already have the first set, you'll need both the Generic Special Card Pack 1, and the Special Card Pack 2.  I'm super-excited to see how the themes ended up.  Shisai and Mizuki-hooooooooooooo.  That's a Thundercats reference you heathens.

I think testing for the Tengu Decension is over, many of the profiles have vanished from the testing forum.  Toby (the T of GCT) put up some pictures of some sort of warrior tengu and a crow tengu on Twitter, so I believe the tengu are actually really close to release - the expected date is in August around the same time as Rise of the Kage.

From my own testing, I'm not sure if they're my natural niche like the hebi-centric Ito Clan warbands I usually like, but we'll have to see.  At the moment the number of profiles is very limited, and seems quite focused on being able to fight - which is probably more in tune with the normal playerbase.  I expect that more profiles will come out more in line with what I'm looking for eventually, just not immediately.  I'll be giving one of my more direct fighting warbands a go on Tuesday, and then I think it's back to the Ito Clan until the Tengu Decension full release.

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