No, the blog isn't dead, there just hasn't been anything going on over the Christmas period until a week or so ago in the world of Bushido. Wave 21 is now available for ordering, and I have already received and assembled my Shimogama Vipers (and their stupidly large wings). I really thought they'd be roughly the same size as the fire kami miniatures, instead they're almost as large as Yatsumata. I honestly have no idea how to fit them into my carrying case - I suspect it's time to buy a bigger case.
After the long break, and now that I have the Shimogama Vipers in hand, I can get back into the Bushido groove. It's been good seeing Adam get more games in and he appears to be enjoying the game. We just need to kick him into getting some painting done. Bushido is just one of those games that looks really, really good with nice boards/terrain and fully painted warbands. I need to dig all my paints out and get the few Ito Clan models I haven't finished done.
Lots of interesting things happening with the current playtest subjects. I'm making plans to head over to Common Ground Games in mid-April (18th or 19th - my birthday!) and I'll bring all my test stuff for people to play around with - and hopefully provide me with some feedback.
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