Sunday, 20 July 2014

Spreads Like Butter

Not had a good time in Bushido recently, but I'm trying new things out, and I don't think I play enough zone control scenarios.  I did lose to Jim rather badly at G3 a week ago because all my models got bogged down fighting in a zone rather needlessly, by the time I realised that I needed to spread out, and quickly, Jim had already accrued a large scenario point lead.  But seeing the reaction to me spreading out was very interesting.  I've come to see that I'm playing far too conservatively with my models, when I should just be gunning for the scenario objectives and trying to get deeper into the enemy part of the board.

Our last game on Friday was stupendously close, I should have won it, but I got greedy (again).  The game ended 2-1 (Jim-Me) with Jim scoring 14 scenario points, and me scoring 13.  After the game I realised there were three different things I could have done to secure my scenario victory, and they're all things I'll definitely keep in mind for future games: on turn 4 I could have prayed twice at my own objective so that it would have been removed after I scored, then Jim would not have been able to reach it with Nezumi-kun; I could have moved Nezumi-kun to a board edge while I had a control token on him, so he could not have reached my objective; I could have moved a Temple Bushi back to my objective and just defended it.

I did get to use the latest playtest model for the Ito Clan, and I'm very impressed with her.  So far she's certainly opened up my scenario options and ability to get further down the board unhindered.  I've been using Yatsumata a bit more and I'm coming to see Yatsumata really turns into the rock the rest of my list can revolve around.  She sits next to an objective or in a scenario zone, and there's not a lot anyone can do about her.  I'm still a bit on the fence over whether I like her or Kenzo more - I feel I get more out of Kenzo, but she does have indomitable and causes fear, so can sometimes ignore the odd model that wants to attack her, whereas Kenzo just keeps getting piled on by 'chaff' models.  Also, Yatsumata is an awesome model now that I've gotten off my arse and painted her...

There have been some interesting threads on the forums, particularly Kabocha's painted models thread, where he showed some pictures of a really nice gorinto surrounded by bamboo, and told everyone where to find such wonders: ebay for the bamboo, and for the gorinto.  I have now ordered both, and some random jungle plants.

Quite happy with the rate I'm painting at the moment, I'm finishing a miniature every time I take the time to get painting, there's only 5 miniatures for the Ito Clan that I have left to do.  They're not done to the standards that my Trollbloods were done to, but all I'm really after is a decent paint job and a fully painted faction.  Bushido is a game that looks amazing with good terrain and fully painted warbands.  Speaking of which, I should start work on my next board!

1 comment:

  1. Cheers for mentioning my painting thread! Nice blog by the way.
