Saturday, 17 August 2013

Bushido: Ito Clan Update

Well, it's been quite some time since I last updated the blog, I've been getting fortnightly games against Martin Casey and his Savage Wave at 50 rice.  Having had quite a bit of practice with the shisai now, I'm very happy with how they perform during the game: Ayoko debuffs things and steals Ki when she can, Sakura drops the odd poison and makes sure anyone who needs Ki has it.

I've very happy with the shisai/debuff list I use for the Ito, the only downside I've experienced with it so far is the Impetuous on Naoko, which is a real pain in the arse for things like scenarios.  However, considering her general utility, it's completely worth it.  Just blinding two targets a turn or seriously hurting something with an assault fire and melee puts a real cramp in the enemy's game.

Takeji and Kahime have been ordered, which will complete my Ito Clan catalogue other than another basic Temple Bushi.  I have just finished Naoko, despite having her mostly done for almost a month now.  Next up I think I'll get Sakura done as she's in most of my lists for the Ki channeling.  I may alternate between armoured figures and the non-armoured ones just to keep the variety.  It will be nice to experiment with a more beatstick style list too.  I should be able to get hold of my sister's stupendously powerful digital camera next week and get some pictures up.

In non-Ito Clan news though, more information about the Silvermoon Syndicate has come out, and it's looking like a very interesting faction.  I think they're going to be monsters at scenario play, but compared to the Prefecture or Ito, I don't think they're going to be overly amazing at a straight up fight.  The faction 'schtick' is utilizing an optional coin toss and gambling on whether you gain double Ki that turn or none at all.  I'd probably avoid gambling in such a manner with the high Ki models like the oyabun but getting extra Ki on normal troops is pretty good, and them having no Ki at all isn't the end of the world.

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