Game One: eDoomshaper vs pVlad
Opponent: Jay Taylor
Scenario: Bunkers
Artifice: Reinforcements
Result: Win
Jay's list was a pVlad themed force. With 13 Berserkers. This, I was not expecting. However Jay did put pVlad too close to a table edge and I ambushed him with 4 of my Bog Trogs. Unfortunately I rolled two sets of snake eyes so he didn't die instant. I did force Jay to commit a number of Berserkers into defending his zone simply by running my Feralgeist up there. With his lack of magical weapons there wasn't a lot he could do to get rid of it.
After several turns of beating up Berserkers in my zone, I managed to clear out enough of a space for Rök to be able to charge pVlad in the back, taking down the Dark Prince with Wild Aggression combined with Primal.
Game Two: Calandra vs eStryker
Opponent: Dan Holt
Scenario: Close Quarters
Artifice: Kill Box
Result: Win
Dan needs to work on his movement. Bendy tape measures will get him in trouble if I'm PG'ing. Not that it hugely mattered, he was pretty badly hammering my list for most of the game. I was killing off all his Stormblades (and there were a lot of those) and doing a lot of damage to his warjacks but I wasn't killing them. Dan on the other hand was happily killing my warbeasts. However, he brought eStryker and Ol' Rowdy forward in an effort to set up for the kill next turn and I pulled out one of my better tricks of the tournament.
The Runebearer hit Ol' Rowdy with a Befuddle, moving the warjack away from eStryker and allowing Calandra herself to hit eStryker with a Force Blow. I missed the first attack roll but used Fate-Blessed to get the re-roll (that ability borders on over-powered) and rolled massive damage. That put eStryker on the ground, so I shot him with the War Wagon's giant cannon.
Game Three: pDoomshaper vs eLylyth
Opponent: Tony Moore
Scenario: Demolition
Artifice: Interactive Objective
Result: Loss
Tony is the only person where the new Shield Guard ruling came into effect, for which he gets rated as my worst opponent; which isn't really saying much, he was still fun to play. I have come to the conclusion that almost no Legion players are actually aware that Ravagore shots have dual damage types (fire and corrosion). Having conversed with a number of Legion players they were adamant that the Ravagore shot was fire only - if you are a Legion player, the Ravagore has dual elemental damage, please look at your card. This meant that they totally ignored the Slag Troll in my Calandra list and took eLylyth anyway.
Still, all my support in my list got hammered very quickly and I was very unlucky with deviations on the War Wagon so the bajillion Striders I was fighting survived an awfully long time. However, eLylyth went for an assassination run against pDoomshaper while my feat was up and I managed to get her down to two health and her last fury when Tony bought a shot. So I rolled that dice and... it was a one. That was tragic in the extreme, but them's the breaks.
Then pDoomshaper did his best impression of an arrow-filled hedgehog.
Game Four: pDoomshaper vs eKrueger
Opponent: Ross Silvers
Scenario: Destruction
Artifice: Interactive Objective
Result: Loss
I play against Ross a lot, so I was pretty gutted I was drawn against him. He also knows my pDoomshaper list very well. Normally I'd have expected him to pull out eKaya, but she got absolutely hammered in our last outting, and I was still fairly surprised that he opted for eKrueger.
The basics of the game were that I went for the assassination run early, and if it were a friendly game I'm pretty sure I'd have got it but this is the Masters, so I wasn't willing to ask Ross if I could move my War Wagon a bit further so that it could shoot his Celestial Fulcrum instead of the druid standing next to eKrueger. So it missed, which meant eKrueger wasn't knocked down when Mulg arrived and it all sort of went downhill from there. I then pretty much spent the game trolling (forum-style) eKrueger and knocking him down over and over again. Unfortunately I had no follow-up at any time. Ah well, next time Silvers, next time!
So I finished day one with two wins and two losses. My two losses were pretty close though so I wasn't overly fussed.
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